Keski-Suomen Kemistiseura: Lecture by Ajay B. Patil on Tuesday 29th of October at 17:00 (Chemistry for all – lecture serie)
The “Chemistry for all” lecture series continues. This time the lecture will be given by Adj. Prof. Dr. Ajay B. Patil, who is the Head of the Department of Process Metallurgy at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) in Germany and Associate Professor and University Lecturer at the University of Jyväskylä.
The event will take place on Tuesday 29 October at 17.00 via this link:
The language of the event is English.
Topic: Remining the historic tailings for energy materials recovery using circular economy and sustainable chemistry approaches
Abstract of the talk:
“Mining tailings contributes substantially high amount of raw materials production wastes in comparison to the anthropological sources.
In Finland it is one of the largest waste streams with nearly 130 Mt of tailings waste stockpiled and on global scale this number is staggering at 282 Bt.
However, it can be valorized as one of the secondary resource with circular economy strategy and suitable chemistry approaches.
The talk will give an overview on world-class capabilities of Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF), Germany and Department of Chemistry, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland for sustainable tailings management technologies.
Specific example of technology development for Zinc recovery from Davidschacht mining tailing site in Germany will be discussed with chemistry and chemical engineering innovations on lab and pilot scale.”
The event is organised by Keski-Suomen Kemistiseura