​Finnish Chemical Society

Finnish Chemical Society


Finnish Chemical Society was founded in 1919 and it is one of the largest scientific societies in Finland. Finnish Chemical Society has nine local sub-societies geographically covering whole Finland as well as 14 sections in different fields of chemistry. The society arranges annually several meetings.

Aims and objectives

  • The central purpose of the Finnish Chemical Society is to advance the recognition of chemistry in co-operation with the operators in chemical industry and universities.
  • Finnish Chemical Society provides a strong networking opportunity to chemists and chemical engineers and supports the development of know-how among practitioners.
  • Finnish Chemical Society supports students majoring in chemistry from the freshman stage on and also provides a wide network of active members that can help the young chemists when moving to work career.
  • Finnish Chemical Society invests in the development of high quality education in chemistry on all levels.


Awards and stipends

Finnish Chemical Society has severals awards and stipends for university students majoring in chemistry and also for high school students.


Gust. Komppa Award 2024

The Gust. Komppa Award 2024 was announced on 13.12.2024 at the Christmas meeting of the Finnish Chemical Society at the National Theatre. The Komppa Prize is awarded annually for the best chemistry dissertation from the previous year. The selection committee suggested...

International Chemists of the Finnish Chemical Society

The Finnish Chemical Society (= Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura in this context) invited a dozen international chemists from the metropolitan area to discuss their needs and wishes regarding activities (networking, company visits, events, excursions, English-language...

Gust. Komppa Award 2022

Gust. Komppa Award 2022 The Evaluation Board for the Gust. Komppa award convened 28.10.2022 to decide on the best doctoral dissertation in chemistry of 2021. Nominations for this award was requested all chemistry departments in Finland, and they had the possibility to...

Upcoming events

(EN) “The February meeting” of the Finnish Chemical Society (SKS) will be held at Orion on Thursday 30.1.2025 at 17:00 in connection with a company visit. The event will be hosted by VP Leena Otsomaa

Address: Orionintie 1 A, 02200 Espoo

Registration via this link.

Welcome to join us!

(EN) IUPAC Global Women Breakfast 2025, 11.02.2025 – hybrid event 

IUPAC GWB2025 is held 11 February 2025 in conjunction with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the goal of “The Breakfast” is to establish an active network of people to overcome the barriers to gender equality in science. Over the last six years, nearly 2000 GWB have been held in 100 countries.

IUPAC GWB (Global Women’s Breakfast) in Finland 2025, 11.2.2025 9-10 am,

Chemicum (Lecture room to be announced later), University of Helsinki, A.I Virtasen aukio, 00560 Helsinki, hybrid event

Breakfast from 8.30 am next to the lecture room

Programme 9-10 am:

  • Welcome by Dr. Miia Mäntymäki
  • Presentation by Docent Nanna Myllys, University of Helsinki (Further details of the presentation will be announced later).

Register via link


The Chemistry Theme Day will again be organised at Heureka in cooperation with the Finnish Chemical Society and the Finnish ForestProducts Engineers’ Association r.y on 6.3.2025. The programme includes workshops and presentations for specially invited school groups, and in the evening, from 16-23, the programme is open to anyone interested in chemistry.

Throughout the evening, the Heureka Science Show will have a chemistry theme, with short science presentations and film clips in the auditorium to discuss the veracity of the chemistry presented. The event will also showcase career paths and opportunities to study and work in chemistry.

Heureka’s exhibitions are open all evening.

There are reduced ticket prices for the event. More information on the event will be available on the Heureka website from February.

(EN) Annual Meeting of the Finnish Chemical Society on Thursday 3 April 2025 at 17:00 at the Finnish National Gallery (Kiasma)

Before the meeting: 17-18 Guided tours of the Monira Al Qadir exhibition. The central theme of her art is oil and humanity’s complex relationship with this topical raw material. 

Participants in guided tours must be present at 16.50 at the latest.

The annual meeting will be held after the exhibition in the Kiasma seminar room.

Please register by 26.3.2025 via the link below.


Chemistry Days

Chemistry Days (Kemian Päivät), the largest meeting of its kind in the Nordic countries is arranged semiannually by the Finnish Chemical Society together with other societies. Chemistry Days consist of seminars both for professionals and general audience as well as ChemBio Finland exhibition and other program arranged together with The Chemical Industry Federation of Finland (Kemianteollisuus ry) and Finnish Bioindustries FIB (Suomen Bioteollisuus ry).


Kemia-Kemi journal

Kemia-Kemi is the main Finnish journal on chemistry. It is one of the benefits for the members of the the Finnish Chemical Society. It is published several times annually both in the printed form and as an e-journal. The members of the Finnish chemical societies also receive regularly electronic newsletters.



For full members of the society applicants are required to have at least masters degree in chemistry while university students majoring in chemistry are eligible as young membership.

Why become a member?

• You will have the opportunity to participate in our activities.
• You will receive Kemia-Kemi journal.
• You will have the opportunity to network with other chemistry professionals.
• Get the latest news and information about chemistry and develop your professional skills.