mennessä seravo | joulu 13, 2022 | ajankohtaista, Tapahtumat, uutiset
IUPAC GWB (Global Women’s Breakfast) 2023, 14.2.2023 9-10 am
Global Women’s Breakfast – IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Virtual event
Welcome by Dr. Miia Mäntymäki
Hydroboration of Alkynes by an FLP: Unexpected Bond Activation and Mechanistic Studies by Docent Petra Vasko
The combination of a Lewis acid and a Lewis base, either as separate molecules or constrained into a single entity, is called a frustrated Lewis pair, FLP. Recently these compounds have been shown to exhibit remarkable reactivity, for example, in the capture and activation of small molecules and as “metal-free” catalysts in hydrogenation reactions. To facilitate this behaviour, it is imperative that the donor and acceptor sites of the FLP do not form a coordinative bond but are able to polarize the target chemical bond to the point of heterolytic cleavage. To this end, studies involving novel FLPs in alkyne hydroboration reactions are discussed with an emphasis on the reaction mechanism.
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mennessä seravo | loka 15, 2022 | ajankohtaista, Tiedotukset, uutiset
Ensi helmikuun 14. päivä on oiva tilaisuus verkostoitua, kun “Global Women´s Breakfast” järjestetään jälleen. Tänä vuonna tilaisuuksia järjestettiin 400 kappaletta 75:ssä eri maassa joissa osallistujia oli yhteensä yli 30,000.
Katso lisätietoja ja laita päivä kalenteriin.
Global Women´s Breakfast
mennessä seravo | tammi 19, 2022 | ajankohtaista
Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura on mukana kansainvälisen kemian järjestö IUPAC:n Global Women’s Breakfast 2022 -tapahtumassa 16.02.2022.
MedChem Fight against Bacteria and Parasites
Speaker: Docent of Medicinal Chemistry Paula Kiuru, University of Helsinki
Docent of Medicinal Chemistry Paula Kiuru talks about her career in academia and her research of different antiparasitic, antibiotic, and marine bioactive compounds.
Sanna Mikkola
mennessä seravo | tammi 19, 2022
Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura on mukana kansainvälisen kemian järjestö IUPAC:n Global Women’s Breakfast 2022 -tapahtumassa 16.02.2022.
MedChem Fight against Bacteria and Parasites
Speaker: Docent of Medicinal Chemistry Paula Kiuru, University of Helsinki
Docent of Medicinal Chemistry Paula Kiuru talks about her career in academia and her research of different antiparasitic, antibiotic, and marine bioactive compounds.
Sanna Mikkola